Film Expo Terrain
Civilizing the Caboclo


mmmTambor de Mina, is the Afrobrazilian cult prevalent in the northern state of Maranhão in Brazil. The city island of São Luís, capital of the state is one of the main centers of religions of African origin and there we can count scores of cult houses.

mmmThe Fanti-Ashanti House which we visit is typical in its capacity to integrate cults and men as well as divinities of African and Amerindian origin. Ceremonies are particularly rich in events, the trance induced during the dances is the predominant feature. Chant and drumming are the mainstay of all ceremonies. In this context trance would be the attainement of a particular state of consciousness.      (26 mn, 1997)

Réalisation: Ricardo Canzio & Laurent Venot

Image et son: Ricardo Canzio & Laurent Venot

Montage: Didier Boclet

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